Sunday, March 17, 2013

Career Question: Men in OB/GYN

Obstetrics and Gynecology is a tough profession.  Not only do doctors in this subspeciality recieve some of the highest malpractice charges, but there is an increasing number of men in this profession who recieve scrutiny.

From a male perspective (with efforts to be careful in how I write this post/not gender-biased) I don't see why men CAN'T connect to emotional, social, and physical needs of female patients. Perhaps its a sense of personal experience with certain health conditions, or a sense of connection that female OB/GYNs have with their patients. But, having men in this profession as well as in others (such as Nursing), seems to be a way of diversifying the perspectives and lenses involved.

I think a few stereotypes need to broken.  These include, the thirst for money among men in this profession, and the indifference to female needs.  There are good motivations for going to medicine, and frankly, I don't see why one's gender has to effect their ability to practice.

And just to put the other side of the picture.  What about female urologists?  We need to look at medical practioners from an objective standpoint, and not just based on gender.

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