Sunday, May 5, 2013

CAP Hollywood Reflection #1

Our film is progressing slowly, but with good planning for a solid finish of filming the is week   One challenge, we continue to have is following through with storyboard ideas.  We plant to overcome this, by mapping out scene directions for the actors before filming  and running through actions and acting before camera shots.  With this, however, a major success has been establishing shot composition and clarifying camera angles for shoot in Downtown Silver Spring.

In a direct way, I have contributed to the film by playing the role of Joey, the protagonist of our film's first Act.  Joey's role is essential to jump starting the conflict in our film, and thus I have tried hard to emotionally build my role as "vulnerable" and "targeting," so as to initiate tension among the actors as well.  I have cooperated with scene composition and cinematographers  Amy and Max, to seamlessly transition between scenes.

Our goal for this week is to complete our filming of Acts I and II of the film.  This includes carpooling and pick-up to our shot area, enlisting a security officer or police officer for side acting, and coordinating shots with Silver Spring store-owners   Thus, I am trying hard to make sure our pre-production is specifically and effectively accomplished to ensure maximum focus on the production.

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