Sunday, March 3, 2013

Author in Profile: Priscilla Gillman

She has an English PhD from Yale, and is by far one of the most talented memoir writers I know.

Priscilla Gilman writes about autism, but particularly how it has changed her as a mother, woman, and writer.  After learning that her son, Benji, was diagnosed with severe Autism, Gilman ventured to write the book The Anti-Romantic Child: A Memoir of Unexpected Joy.  This book speaks volumes on the subtle, and unspoken transformations people go through, while living and learning with an autistic child.  Gilman's book, daily facebook posts, and deep insight shed an informative and progressive view on children with autism.

Me being personally interested in the neonatal aspects of developmental disorders such as autism, Gilman's book and perspective have really inspired me to pursue some area of research related to this.  Her book isn't scientific but rather humanistic focusing on the little progressions and hidden talents of her son, such as poetry, or science fairs, and small milestones that reveal his true humanity!

I love the perspective and the light that's shed upon on just one boy.  Gilman's message is one that I think we can all follow!  There should be more books like hers.

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