Monday, September 10, 2012

Movie Review Assignment

Annotated Movie Review:

The movie review of "Precious" written by New York Times writer A.O. Scott highlights the powerfully painful emotions of the story and film itself.  The review starts off with a general synopsis of the characters' background, introducing there abusive and impoverished life in Harlem, New York.  The three aspects of film are woven in seamlessly, mentioning the acting or directing of key scenes and descriptions of the plot.  For instance, after mentioning the climax, in which "Precious," the antagonist, escapes her abusive mother's beatings, Scott talks about the acting and personal training of the actress her self.

Overall, the reviewer focuses on the movie's tone as the overall backdrop for his review.  His main mission is to tell the reader that the movie is not just about absuvie families or poverty, but about a complex journey through obstacles.  To relay this message, he uses key aspects from the plot and acting/directing of the story.  Cinematography is scarcely discussed.

For the movie reviews, the three elements of film (Literary, Dramatic, and Cinematographic) should be discussed.  However, liberty in organizing and integrating these elements should be given, so as to allow for a fluid-sounding piece.  Acting examples can alternate with story elements (such as describing how a character's actions in the plot were skillfully portrayed through personable acting.)  Elements of Cinematography should alternate with the director's vision and purpose for the film. Thus, the reviews will be natural-sounding and relate each of the elements with each other.

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