Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rock Climbing, Maybe?

Rock Climbing was not a hobby that I expected to get into.  In fact, my interest in climbing stony, spiky walls only sprung after a friend forced me to give it a try at the Earth Trek Climbing Center in Rockville.

I first decided to start out small, at the junior level, with no harness/rope. The walls and courses were short yet still complex ranging from big grip stones to small ones that were further apart.  Mats also provided an extra support in case of fall.  The center does a great job at suiting to your level and interests, with Rock Climbing Instructors helping you along the way.

The point is, a self-paced sport is something I have been looking for forever.  This way, withing a few points I can progress to being in spotted rock climbing settings, and start my way up to higher heights.  I'd also love to extend my interest to outdoors climbing expeditions.  Some possible settings include Sugarloaf Mountain or perhaps Garrett County in Western Maryland.  We'll see! An adventure of possibilities awaits.

A fun place to start and learn!
Where I hope to be (A boulder near Deep Creek Lake)

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