Sunday, December 16, 2012

Interfaith Healing: A Lesson from Newtown's Vigil

The tremendously heart-wrenching and sad massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, resulting in the death of 27 innocent lives, has sparked a wave of grief in the humble town of Newtown and the nation as a whole.  As we heal from this tragedy, it came to my attention how beautiful and amazing the interfaith dialogue has been, in helping to alleviate the grief or at least hare it with others.

After watching CNN's broadcast of the Vigil in owner of the victims  I realized many of the commonalities of the religions' messages.  These messages of peace, comfort, healing through prayer, and community strength, all seemed very close to my heart.  It was a joy to see how each major religion had a representative and advocate for peace from their perspectives.

In line with the Vigil at Newton were the International Conference on World Religions  and Blair's creation of its very first Interfaith Club, founded by Juliette Provost.  For me faith and dialogue are too methods of not only healing, but also UNDERSTANDING and AWARENESS.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Abir! Our blog can be found here:
