Saturday, September 29, 2012

Scriptwriter's Reflection

Our script writing is progressing fluidly, with a number of ideas for implementing the dystopian elements.  The first Dystopian elements include the character's dissatisfaction of the society, a worshiped concept, and a dehumanized population.  These three facets, which set the stage of the story are introduced first during scene 1.  Voice-overs of the leader, explaining the greatness of computerized learning, as well as the complete absorption and brainwashing of the computer-drones portray the setting.
Our dystopian trailer focuses on a society's to dumb down students
through computerized learning, while books are hidden.  One girl,
strives to read these books and learn what has been kept from the
general population.
            The script transitions to the second scene with the catalysts.  The script specifies a close-up camera angle and voice-over, of Ruth (the protagonist), leaving the computer lab (setting of scene 1), and adventuring out into the unknown woods.  Her transition to scene 2 (taking place in the woods) represents the fear of the unknown, another dystopian element.  The catalyst for change, the most critical part, occurs at this point.  Ruth finds a textbook from the 21st century, and realizes that the current educational practices limit student knowledge.  She rushes home to read the book, and inquire about the past, and how much there is to learn; however, on her way back to school the next day (scene 3) she is halted and interrogated by Computer Police.  The police throw her book into the camera, and the trailer ends.              
             Voice-overs are the primary medium in communicating the thoughts of characters.  The script is specfic about camera speeds and alternating between shots of the computer and students, or close-ups and wide shots of the the police and Ruth.  Furthermore, the storyline is sequential as the movie would be, if made.  The three definite scenes portray the beginning, middle, and exposition to the end.  The throwing of the book will serve as a cliffhanger.  Is the story resolved, with Ruth getting to keep her book, or do the Police demolish the book, ruining a chance for a change?  This is the question the trailer will raise.                

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